A piece from an exhibition called KAWRAL: Malian Visual Artists contribute to Mali’s Revival curated by Janet Goldner
It is good to be back in Bamako…So much has changed here and I come back to Bamako 4 months later a changed person, a father…a family man. Everything looks different now, even the blank page, screen, canvas or looking through the viewfinder of a camera. As it should be…
Coming back to Bamako is always a little tough, particularly while trying to be a grad school student and now a father…I will spare you the details. That said, I would not change a thing. In a lot of ways, I feel like I am staring all over again, but this time around I feel like I have found a community here too (more on that later) and that helps tremendously. No community will ever replace my DC folks, but I am starting to build a group here of cool folks.
Anyway, it has been a while, but i just wanted to let you all know I am still here I just had to take some time as the sands started to shift…
Stay tuned…more soon come